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Study Playlist (study/relaxing/meditation)


sumber youtube.

Di sini Kekja nak kongsi beberapa playlist yang menenangkan dan rileks-kan minda. Most of the time, Kekja dengar bacaan ayat suci Al-Quran (that's the best meditation for the rest of life) oleh qari kegemaran iaitu Saad Al-Ghamdi. but sometimes, dengar juga bacaan qari yang lain sebab semuanya merdu dan menenangkan. My favorite surah are Surah Ar-rahman, Al-waqiah, Al-mulk, & Al-Kahfi. but still at another one time, to avoid listening to lagu jiwang, kpop and so on. Alhamdulillah I found this music. Which is so calm and relaxing my brain muscle (kemain.)
credit to youtube. here's my playlist :

1. Study sleep relax music -
3. Focus on study (Rain Sound) -

Kekja suka music yang slow. Ada certain orang, eh nope, mungkin kebanyakkan orang akan mengantuk mendengarnya. Tapi Kekja tidak begitu huhu. I feel calm, relax and more focus on what I want to do at that particular time. Kecuali masa tu memang mengantuk nak tidur, then I will sleep. But if masa tu just nak rasa tenang buat kerja, this type of music doesn't make me feel sleepy. 
Sharing this because it's meant a lot to me. 


Komen anda amat saya hargai!

  1. rain sound tu yang best...

    1. yep! rain sound tu memang fav time study hehe. rasa tenang je

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